Application for personal supporting membership in German Mittelstand e.V.

I hereby accept the valid statutes of the German Mittelstand e.V. (GM) as binding and apply for membership as follows:


First name:
Last name:

Personal data

Zip code:

Company details

Name of the company:
Zip code:

Further details
Occupational status:
Job Function:
E-mail to:
Post to:

Type of membership

The admission fee is an additional and one-time fee of 50 €. Membership fees are currently not subject to sales tax, so they are net amounts.


Persönliche Fördermitgliedschaft (FMG-P) : 214,20 Euro Persönliche Fördermitgliedschaft als Volontär (FMG-V): 0,00 Euro

Home Kontor

Please specify which one should be your home chapter: 

 home office:

Interests | Distribution list:

In which mailing lists do you want to be registered. You can change this at any time.



I apply for membership in "German Mittelstand e.V.".Memberships are open-ended and can be terminated at any time with 3 months' notice to the end of a calendar year.

The supporting membership for startups is allowed for companies younger than 3 years. At the beginning of the 4th year from foundation, this automatically converts into a classic corporate sponsoring membership.

After about half a year from the date of application, the board of directors decides whether to accept me as a full member and informs me of its decision in writing. I provide my personal data only for the membership database and for the printout of a membership directory.

 I confirm that I have read and accept the statutes of the association "German Mittelstand e.V.".

I hereby authorize the "German Mittelstand e.V." to collect all payments arising from the membership, in particular for membership fees, chargeable services, seminars, events from my below mentioned bank account by SEPA direct debit. My membership number is the mandate number. At the same time, I instruct my credit institution to honor the direct debits drawn by "German Mittelstand e.V." to the debit of the account mentioned below, as long as there are sufficient funds. I can request the reversal of the debited amount within 8 weeks from the date of debit. The conditions agreed upon with my credit institution apply. The membership fee is based on the current fee schedule of GM (available at, which I am aware of.
Account holder:


I agree to the storage and processing of my personal data by German Mittelstand e.V..

GM assures the applicant that
(i) GM complies and will comply with Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR) and any other applicable data protection laws, regulations and similar requirements ("Data Protection Laws"),
(ii) the collection and processing of SUPPLIED DATA by GM and its transfer to the Applicant is and will be in strict compliance with any applicable Data Protection Laws,
(iii) GM has obtained all necessary consents, permissions and licenses to share such SUPPLIED DATA in relation to the processing of the SUPPLIED DATA by the Applicant. Upon request of the Applicant, GM shall provide in writing a copy of any necessary consent of a data subject or evidence of a valid legal basis for the processing of the SUPPLIED DATA.

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